Blood Drive

It’s that time again! If you can spare some time, please sign up to donate blood on Friday, March 10, in the Bud O’Shieles Community Center (parking lot) located at 1330 Band Road in Rosenberg between 8a and 2p! All successful donors will receive THREE promotional items (FREE ticket to Big Rivers Waterpark, $10 Gift Card of your choice, and Voucher for a FREE shortstack at IHOP)! I’ve attached useful information (Common Questions, Basics, Facts, Rewards Pgm., & Iron Levels) which may help in your decision to give.... Read More →

Walk Across Texas BEGINS

Are you ready to “Walk Across Texas”?   WAT is from March 13th – May 7th   Are you ready to for another great year with WAT, team registration is ready to go and out league is up and waiting for you to join.   Getting started: Form a Team, Select a Captain & Decide on a unique Name: Team Captain + 7 Members = 8 (does not require 8 to have a team) Teams: Captains register your team on Howdy Health & have Members join the team... Read More →

Field Pest Scouting Program

Click Here to download the registration form! Click Here to download a printable flyer!