Soil, Water & Forage Testing

Soil and Water

The Texas AgriLife Extension Service Soil, Water and Forage Testing Laboratory is housed in the Department of Soil and Crop Sciences at Texas A&M University. The laboratory began operations in 1946 primary as a soil testing laboratory. Over the next 34 years, irrigation water testing, plant and forage analysis, and other clientele requested analyses have been added.

The laboratory’s primary mission is to provide research based analysis and non-bias recommendations for agronomic and non-agronomic soil analysis, plant tissue analysis, forage nutritive analysis, and non-drinking water analysis. The laboratory also aids the research and extension communities with analysis needs. We also work closely with a number of Texas A&M University service laboratories, other state agency laboratories, and private laboratories with method development, troubleshooting and quality assurance/quality control issues, as well as, forwarding clientele to insure their needs are met.

Note:  Water Sampling is done on non-drinking water such as for irrigation, livestock, aquaculture, etc. only. (Drinking water is not tested at this lab.)

For testing drinking water, visit:

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