What’s Bugging You? Pest Program

Join us for an online program with Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Specialist Janet Hurley as she shares her knowledge about common pests with homeowners in Fort Bend and surrounding Counties. Learn which ants should be a concern, which spiders are beneficial, how to prevent mice, and how to handle biting and stinging insects such as wasps and mosquitos! What’s Bugging You – What you need to know about common pests August 5, 2020 3:00 pm WebEx registration link   https://tinyurl.com/yak92ye8 Cost is free, must be registered After your registration... Read More →

Cicada Killer Wasp or Asian Giant Hornet

Learn the differences between the Asian Giant Hornet and the Cicada Killer Wasp. Join us for an online program on Thursday, September 24th at 9:00 am with Dr. Robert Puckett, Texas A&M University Asst. Professor and Extension Entomologist as he reveals the mystery behind the insect that has made the news numerous times this summer, the Asian Giant Hornet!  Also, he will tell us the differences between a common insect we have in Southeast Texas that many have mistaken as the Asian Giant Hornet. There is no registration... Read More →