Author Archives: Cheryl Wasicek

Fort Bend Gardener Spring Newsletter

The spring issue of the Fort Bend Gardener newsletter has been released.  This newsletter covers a wide range of gardening and general horticulture topics that are relevant to the people of Fort Bend County.  Articles range from seasonal issues, to timely discussion of management practices for home gardens, as well as resources for small scale agriculture producers in our region. In each issue, we’ll cover seasonal items and offer hints to make your life as a gardener much more pleasant.  Each quarterly newsletter will be posted as a… Read More →

Saving Water in Your Landscape

Be a TEXAS WATER STAR! Save water by modifying just a few everyday habits and making inexpensive upgrades to technologies in your home landscape. The greatest waste of water is applying too much too often – it over waters plants; leaches nutrients deep into the soil, away from the roots; and can pollute streams and lakes by carrying fertilizers and pesticide in runoff. Water Strategically.  Water your landscape early in the morning (before 10 a.m.) or late in the evening (after 6 p.m.). If you water in the… Read More →

Richmond Farmers Market Spotlight

If you haven’t had a chance to visit the Richmond Farmers Market, you have been missing out.  First off, you have missed out on the fresh seasonal produce that our region has traditionally been known for.  According to market manager Liz Stegint, “Our farmers offer a variety of freshly harvested local greens and vegetables — fresh Asian salad greens, lettuces, kale, salad mixes, onions, beets, turnips, fresh herbs and more. We also have locally grown vegetable and herb plants for your garden, local honey, and fresh free range… Read More →

Bees: Good Neighbors, Bad Roommates

Hardly a day goes by without honey bees making the news. Public interest in “saving the bees” is high as a result of this (often alarming) media coverage. Knowledgeable counsel and advice is important in dealing with honey bees since they make good neighbors but really bad roommates. The honey bee colony has only one queen and her role is critical. She is the largest bee in the colony and lays the eggs that will sustain the colony population. She also emits scents (pheromones) that regulate colony unity…. Read More →

The Scoop on Mulch

Mulch in your garden has many benefits, let’s break it down and start with the rules.  Apply a generous layer of mulch at a maximum depth of 4 inches twice a year, once in spring and again in fall.  Tuck mulch around shrubs and trees, and sprinkle over the tops of dormant perennials.  Do not “cone” or “volcano” mulch around the base of trees, simply level it to the crown of the plant, where the base of the truck starts expanding out with the first layer of surface… Read More →