Fort Bend Beekeepers Association

FB Beekeepers Assoc.The Fort Bend Beekeepers Association (FBBA) has represented and assisted beekeepers locally for 30+ years by promoting beekeeping to the public; providing advice and assistance to beekeepers; and also providing educational programs through talks, schools, shows and demonstrations. The FBBA consists of commercial beekeepers from small scale hobbyists to beginners. Public meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m., excluding December, at the Bud O’Shieles Community Center located at 1330 Band Road in Rosenberg, Texas. Association members will provide you with all necessary information and will assist you in any way. It is recommended that you attend a monthly meeting and meet the local beekeepers. You may also visit bee yards to see what is involved in working with bees.

February 2024 Fort Bend Buzz HERE

March     2024 Fort Bend Buzz HERE

April       2024 Fort Bend Buzz HERE

May         2024 Fort Bend Buzz HERE

Please visit our website at:

Help!!  I’ve got bees…

For the services we offer, visit:


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